Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup No. 8

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Web Development

9 predictions for the future of programming

Some scientists say time moves forward at a constant rate. The clever ones argue that everything changes near the speed of light. But none of this explains the increasing rate of change in the world of tech. It keeps accelerating a bit more every time you look. Our coding crystal ball offers developers meaningful bets for the next five years – but few guarantees given the rate of change for tech.

Programming Trends To Look For This Year

There has never been a more exciting time for technologists and developers worldwide. The number of active development languages and frameworks, as well as development tools and learning avenues, continues to soar. Despite all these resources at our fingertips, it may not be obvious where industry trends are leading us. In my role as a coding bootcamp instructor, I’m constantly exposed to what’s empowering the latest and greatest technology. Here is what to look out for in programming trends over the next year.

Pro Tips for Web Developers – Solution to Your Problems

In the ever changing world of web development and web design, web developers can be overwhelmed with the amount of skills, languages, technologies, tools and coding methods they are required to know and demonstrate to be on top of their game. For the hard working and ever learning web developers, we have come up with the following pro tips to aid you in becoming better at your job and how to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed with information overload.

15 Great Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

We have excellent browsers that increasingly incorporate more extensions, plugins and add-ons, often developed by their users, that help make them more powerful and can help us to improve our productivity. From Awwwards, in our eagerness to offer you the best resources and tools on the Web for you, we will do a series of articles on our blog with the best extensions and plugins for major browsers. This time we focus on extensions that are offered in the Chrome Web Store, freely available and easy to install.

Must have online color tools for web developers

I spend a lot of time finding the right colors for my project, it is no secret that a good color selection can help boost a website. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of different colors to choose from when designing a website. In this article I will look at some of the top color tools to make your life a little easier.


4 Smooth AngularJS Application Tips

Anyone who follows my blog even a little closely can probably see that I <3 AngularJS: As I've learned more about the framework, I've come to appreciate many of the design decisions in spite of their initial (beastly) learning curve. For example, directives provide an absurd amount of flexibility and expressiveness in writing declarative HTML that is unmatched by jQuery-style imperative DOM twiddling. But the learning curve on them, and other bits of Angular, is weird. Some things that should be pretty straightforward, like navigating from tab to tab in single-page web applications, can be a little confusing to cough up. So here’s a blog article with some cool tips to help you out.

Tips for Optimizing your AngularJS app

AngularJS can have performance problems when you start to scale your application. You may notice that your AngularJS application works well at first but as it grows in complexity, so does its load time. Maybe it hangs for a second (or more) on initial load and when its fully loaded, it lags. There are several reasons your AngularJS application may be slowing down – here’s a list of solutions to the most common issues.


The Best PHP Framework: SitePoint Survey Results

One month ago, we started the annual SitePoint framework popularity survey. Now that the month has expired, it’s time to look at the results and to distribute the prizes. The response was a whopping ~7800 entries, far more than any other survey we’ve held so far, and even after filtering out invalid entries we end up with a formidable number of valid participants. Here is the entire result.

10 PHP Frameworks For Developers – Best Of

PHP, known as the most popular server-side scripting language in the world, has evolved a lot since the first inline code snippets appeared in static HTML files. These days developers need to build complex websites and web apps, and above a certain complexity level it can take too much time and hassle to always start from scratch, hence came the need for a more structured natural way of development. In this post we carefully handpicked 10 popular PHP frameworks that can best facilitate and streamline the process of backend web development.

Memcached and PHP

Memcached is a highly efficient, multi-platform system for buffering the data in cache, developed by Brad Fizpatrick in 2003, for the purpose of LiveJournal service. It is mainly used to reduce the time to read from external data sources such as databases, files, and web services. In this article I will review Memcached installation and usage.

From Our Partners

Electric Cloud – Release Management Wiki: The First Knowledge Hub on Software Release Management

Electric Cloud set out to create a wiki-based knowledge hub that would collect all the relevant information from around the world on software release management, and organize it into a meaningful structure, to help the community understand and learn this important discipline. The wiki covers over 200 topics: release automation, agile practices, ITIL/ITSM concepts, deployment, release planning, and more.


I am a frontend and backend web developer who loves building up new projects from scratch. In my blog "Lingulo" me and some guest authors regularly post new tutorials, web design trends or useful resources.

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