Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup No. 28

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Web Development

Four Risks To Avoid During B2B Web Development

This article discusses the main risks of approaching web development and offers some solution.

Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Page Load Performance

This article is walking through tips for shipping mobile web apps optimized using Lighthouse, specifically Page load performance.

Little Things I Like to Do with Git

This article lists useful tips for using GIT.

11 Things I Learned Reading The Flexbox Spec

This article reviews the CSS Flexible box layout module.


Build An HTML5 Website With A Responsive Layout

In this video we will build a clean coded responsive mobile friendly HTML5 website for a fictional web design company. We will go over semantic HTML tags like header and footer as well as the basics of HTML and CSS. This is a great project for beginners.

Developing A Chatbot Using Microsoft’s Bot Framework, LUIS And Node.js (Part 1)

This tutorial will guide you on how to create a digital assistant capable of connecting with any system via a RESTful API to perform various tasks.

Getting Started With The JavaScript Web Animation API

This is a tutorial on how to create web animation with JavaScript API.


10 Best PHP URL Shortener Scripts

This article lists the best PHP URL shortener scripts for every purpose.

The Ultimate Guide to Deploying PHP Apps in the Cloud

This tutorial shows you how to deploy your PHP apps to different cloud server platforms such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and others.

Deploying PHP Apps on Heroku

This article describes how to take an existing PHP app and deploy it to Heroku.

From Our Partners

Alooma – Using Tableau with Amazon Redshift

Tableau’s robust visual analytics platform allows users to quickly and easily interact with their data and create charts, complex analyses, and more. Find out how to use Tableau with Amazon Redshift.


I am a frontend and backend web developer who loves building up new projects from scratch. In my blog "Lingulo" me and some guest authors regularly post new tutorials, web design trends or useful resources.

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