Countless content management systems are available right from the ones available for free and to those that are premium but none can hold a candle to WordPress. The platform is exceptional not only because it carries a number of features along with it but also because there are endless possibilities of customizing the platform as per the requirement. With all these possibilities available with WordPress, it is very much important to keep the platform secured…
Whether you are just beginning your website development or have done a little designing, you need to consider some crucial aspects for designing a worthy and effective website. There is no dearth of websites on the Internet. Thus, to beat the fierce competition, one has to come up with some extraordinary design and functions to make his website stand out among the pool of websites. This article will reveal some prolific features that your site must possess in order to appear appealing and highly functional. By ensuring these features, you can surely deliver a remarkable website that can help you rivet viewers and encourage them to interact efficiently. Integrating some resourceful elements in your site will certainly augment your business values across the globe. Let’s decipher some indispensable features that a website must possess to appear intuitive, intriguing and interactive.
Eine eigene Webseite zu besitzen ist heutzutage für nahezu jedes Unternehmen, aber auch für viele Privatpersonen sehr wichtig. Unternehmen nutzen Webseiten, um ihre Firma vorzustellen und Produkte zu verkaufen. Private Leute nutzen Webseiten häufig, um über sich zu berichten oder Fotos mit der Familie oder Freunden zu teilen. Das Erstellen von ansprechenden und gut programmierten Webseiten ist nichts, was man innerhalb von einigen Tagen erlernen kann. Viele Firmen greifen daher auf externe Webdesign-Agenturen zurück. Doch…
In this second part of my tutorial we will be building the CSS and JavaScript code and do the necessary steps for responsive webdesign to create this beautiful HTML5 responsive website. Be sure to have worked through the first part of the tutorial where we have built the basic HTML structure and included all necessary scripts. We have already included our CSS Reset in the last part of the tutorial. The Reset will take care…
Required knowledge level: intermediate In this responsive web design tutorial we will create an awesome responsive HTML5 website starting from scratch. I tried to include as many different features as possible, so we will be dealing with a jQuery slider, CSS3 transitions and animations, CSS Media Queries and so on. This part of the tutorial will show you the HTML structure and the required scripts in a step by step tutorial. The second part will…
Benötigte Kenntnisse: mittel In diesem Tutorial werden wir Schritt für Schritt eine hübsche moderne responsive HTML5-Webseite erstellen. Ich habe versucht so viele Features wie möglich in das Tutorial zu integrieren. Wir werden uns mit einem jQuery Slider, CSS3-Transitions und CSS3-Animationen, CSS Media-Queries und noch einigem mehr beschäftigen. Der erste Teil des Tutorials wird Dir zeigen wie man die grundlegende HTML-Struktur aufbaut und welche Skripts für eine browserunabhängige Darstellung der Webseite benötigt werden. Im zweiten Teil…