Future Web Trends That Are Hard to Ignore

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As the first quarter of 2015 is ending, we’ve come to see many predictions being made for the web design industry. Without wasting any time, let’s discuss about some of the major web trends that are expected to evolve and will be ruling the web industry in 2015:

1. Storytelling Will Become More Animated

You may have stumbled upon several websites that tell a story. Though storytelling isn’t new and has been around us for ages, but it’s only recently that it made its way into the design industry, by making use of animations and other interactive elements.

And this year, you can expect to see story designs becoming even better by the use of animation sequences that starts when a user scroll down the page. In essence, more and more websites telling stories will be using 3D graphics and HD quality videos, in a bid to increase the level of visual appeal and user’s interactivity.

Especially, you’ll get to see websites featuring fully-animated designs with parallax effects caused by the movement of the mouse. The beauty of such a design is that it utilizes only a few design elements that make the page more interactive and attention-grabbing either by using the fade-in effect or making the elements slide into the page.

For example, Every Last drop website uses an interactive storytelling approach to spread awareness among people regarding water about saving water, as they scroll down the website page.

every last drop

2. Navigation Will Be Streamlined

One common thing that almost all the designers love to experiment with is the website navigation. In fact, paying with navigation has been a favorite activity for web designers’ for many years. However, experimenting with navigation proliferated when an entire website was being designed using Flash only. But, as Flash became retarded, navigation menus appeared to be quieter and simple, devoid of animation and interactivity.

But the advent of HTML5/CSS3 helped designers’ create edgier navigation. The best part is that this web technology helps in creating solutions that can work on any device using a modern browser. HTML 5 contains several new elements (or tags), among which the

I am a frontend and backend web developer who loves building up new projects from scratch. In my blog "Lingulo" me and some guest authors regularly post new tutorials, web design trends or useful resources.

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Sunil Kumar
6 years ago

Thanks for posting useful information.You have provided an nice article, Thank you very much for this one. And i hope this will be useful for many people.. and i am waiting for your next post keep on updating these kinds of knowledgeable things…Really it was an awesome article…very interesting to read..please sharing like this information……

Chirag Agrawal
8 years ago

Very good Information… Nice Article
Even i See One more blog about Web design trends in 2017 So i guess it will helpful to share- http://bit.ly/2iAFPuF

9 years ago

Thank you very much for this timely information.

Ajeesh Kumar
9 years ago

Thank you for pointing out these trends. It really helped me. So thanks

Webdesign Agentur Browserwerk | Christoph

right you are! they are /will be hard to ignore. I think the most important issue is the responsive web design (rwd) because of Googles update. storytelling and big pictures might be a (short) trend which gains a lot of attention. But I think it can be dangerous to follow every trend. Get the main issues done and the rest is a question of pricing …

OSSC Revenue Inspector AMIN Recruitment 2015

We need to thank admin for publishing useful information.

9 years ago

These days these trends are really important.
i especially like you responsive web design trends, every one have a mobile and tablet and they usually use web surfing from that devices, so its important to make every business website with mobile tablet friendly.
Thank you for sharing such a great information with us.