


A unique and fresh web layout not only helps entice visitors, but also create a distinct web design. And CSS allows one to create a desirable website theme and enhance the look and feel of a website. By writing in CSS file, you can efficiently deliver a polished and refined design up to the web standards. This is why, if one wants to improve the aesthetics of his site, he has to tweak his theme’s stylesheet as per the requirements. If you are running a WordPress-powered website, you can edit your theme’s CSS and overhaul the layout as required.

Despite, WordPress is a quite popular for developing surefire web solutions, several people still commit some common mistakes while writing CSS for customizing the WP themes. Even professional have been found making common goofs. The browsers don’t understand these errors and simply, respond by generating a tattered appearance. Since, these mistakes can lead to a broken WP site, it is essential to avoid them while handling the CSS of a theme.

Eine eigene Webseite zu besitzen ist heutzutage für nahezu jedes Unternehmen, aber auch für viele Privatpersonen sehr wichtig. Unternehmen nutzen Webseiten, um ihre Firma vorzustellen und Produkte zu verkaufen. Private Leute nutzen Webseiten häufig, um über sich zu berichten oder Fotos mit der Familie oder Freunden zu teilen. Das Erstellen von ansprechenden und gut programmierten Webseiten ist nichts, was man innerhalb von einigen Tagen erlernen kann. Viele Firmen greifen daher auf externe Webdesign-Agenturen zurück. Doch…

Welcome to the second part of my tutorial on how to create a WordPress HTML5 template from an existing website. Be sure to read the first part before continuing here.

We have created a new HTML5 WordPress template that currently displays our home page including a menu, that can be customized through WordPress and three new posts for our slider content boxes. The next step is to create new layouts for posts and pages. As explained in the previous part of this tutorial the navigation items “About”, “Contact” and “Portfolio” would link to pages while the “Read more” links would rather link to posts.

Video Cloud Players to Deliver Video in Flash or HTML5 – An Insight

The growth rate of mobile web usage is exceeding in leaps and bounds. And this rapid increase in the popularity of mobile web, is giving video publishers a hard time in reaching out to a wider audience base, by utilizing the Flash Player alone. Therefore, to reach the desired audience it becomes imperative for video publishers to serve their audience with HTML5 videos as well that can run on both desktop and mobile devices.

Flash was ubiquitous and has been the standard player for delivering videos, for more than a decade. Though, HTML5 is getting developed expeditiously, but when it comes to keeping in line with the Flash technology or the integration environment, it hasn’t yet attained the maturity like the Flash videos. Fortunately, Video Cloud smart players will most likely help you meet the challenges imposed by HTML5.

HTML5 Video on all devices

In this tutorial we will take the responsive website we have built in the previous tutorials and implement it into Wordpress. Wordpress is a web blog system which was originally created to be able to easily write flexible and adaptable blog posts. In the course of years the range of functions enlarged more and more so that we can now use Wordpress not only for blogs but also as a Content Management System for “normal”…

Each and every day I browse through the internet to find new useful scripts or CSS files which might make our lives easier when creating websites. The amount of different scripts and plugins out there is just tremendous and it becomes more and more difficult and confusing to actually know which ones to use in your project. In this blog post I will give you an overview over the most important and useful plugins and scripts (the list will be extended by time). In a second step I will then try to show you an example setup of plugins and scripts that you can use in your web project.

In this second part of my tutorial we will be building the CSS and JavaScript code and do the necessary steps for responsive webdesign to create this beautiful HTML5 responsive website. Be sure to have worked through the first part of the tutorial where we have built the basic HTML structure and included all necessary scripts. We have already included our CSS Reset in the last part of the tutorial. The Reset will take care…

In PHP 4 error handling in functions and methods was returned by the return command. Let´s say we would like to connect to a database via MySQLi inside a method or function. If the connection fails an error message and the error code should be displayed. In PHP 4 the error handling would have looked like this: function connect_to_mysql() {$mysqli = @new mysqli(‘localhost’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘db_name’); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { return false;} return true;} To find…

Required knowledge level: intermediate In this responsive web design tutorial we will create an awesome responsive HTML5 website starting from scratch. I tried to include as many different features as possible, so we will be dealing with a jQuery slider, CSS3 transitions and animations, CSS Media Queries and so on. This part of the tutorial will show you the HTML structure and the required scripts in a step by step tutorial. The second part will…

How to use transitions CSS3 offers a lot of useful new features, one of these features are transitions. Transitions can be used to easily animate effects when changing from one style to another. Look at the navigation on top of this page. It is not very noticeable but if you look closely you will see that the link does not change its color immediately on mouseover. Instead it nicely blends from one color to the…