


Web Development 8 Best AngularJS Frameworks for Web Application DevelopmentThis post lists the 8 most popular AngularJS frameworks best suited for web application development. 10 Best Practices to Build Secure ApplicationsToday, I want to consider ten best practices which will help you and your team secure the web applications which you develop and maintain. 30 Chrome Extensions for Designers and DevsThis article lists 30 favourite Chrome extensions for web designers and developers. Web Development Trends…

The answer to your inquiry is simple and clear. If you’re asking whether or not SEO is part of the website design process, the response is a definite yes. Focusing your attention on the connection can allow you to integrate the strongest strategies in SEO Sydney is known for. Response Time When you think about to the days when the internet was just birthed, you may recall constantly slow websites. You might not have had…

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS. With over 500 websites created on a daily basis, WordPress offers a great amount of customization to help users easily navigate through their dashboard. To help users get the most personalized and best experience with their system, there are a great amount of plugins available to adjust its design and functionality. While the WordPress interface is already great, there are always options and items that aren’t needed…

Web Development Four Risks To Avoid During B2B Web DevelopmentThis article discusses the main risks of approaching web development and offers some solution. Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Page Load PerformanceThis article is walking through tips for shipping mobile web apps optimized using Lighthouse, specifically Page load performance. Little Things I Like to Do with GitThis article lists useful tips for using GIT. 11 Things I Learned Reading The Flexbox SpecThis article reviews the CSS…

Web Development Web Development Trends You Should Apply to Your Future ProjectIn web design and development there have been many trends that come and go. This article lists the trends worthy of your consideration. What is the Future of Front End Web Development?This article discusses the future of front end web developpment. Looking For Ways To Reduce Your Costs And Web Development Timeline? Consider These FactorsThis article examines which factors you should consider to reduce…

When I started developing plugins for WordPress I found it quite difficult to understand how to do database queries the right way. I had read about $wpdb, the $wpdb->prepare() method as well as different other methods like get_var(), get_results(), query()… In the end I was pretty confused as to when and how to use which method and how to use prepared statements. So for anyone struggling about this as well I created this quick tip…

Webseiten nach dem Baukasten-Prinzip zu bauen ist in den letzten Jahren zunehmend beliebt geworden. Gerade kleine Unternehmen und Selbstständige, die eine Webseite für ihren Betrieb benötigen, greifen häufig zum Homepage erstellen auf Homepage-Baukästen wie Wix zurück. Das liegt zum einen daran, dass die Kosten für einen professionellen Webdesigner häufig nicht im Budget des Unternehmers liegen. Außerdem lässt sich eine Webseite, die mit einem Baukasten erstellt wurde, nach freiem Belieben gestalten und im Nachhinein ohne Absprache mit…

Web Development 15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for May 2017This is a collection of 15 JavaScript and CSS Libraries and resources for the latest trends in web development. 10 Steps on How to Create a Free WebsiteThis article talks about the first initial steps to create a free website. Top 10 Lightweight CSS Frameworks for Building Fast Websites in 2017This article lists the top 10 lightweight CSS frameworks, for creating beautiful, functional and super…

Web Development How To Get A Better End Result From Your Web DeveloperThis article discusses the way to approach outsourced web development in its early stages, from choosing a contractor to establishing workflow. Is a College Education Necessary to Become a Great Web Developer?What are the requirements to becoming a developer? Do you need a college education or can you teach yourself everything online? This article tries to answer these questions. 4 Reasons to Use…

Web Development 2016/2017 MUST-KNOW WEB DEVELOPMENT TECH – Watch this if you want to be a web developerWhat should you learn in 2016/2017? This video gives you a complete roadmap! View the mindmap: The Docker Course!: 8 Web Development Trends To Look Out For In 2017This post lists of the main players that may reshape the tech landscape in 2017! Best Developer Websites: Programming News, Tutorials and MoreHere are a few go-to sites…