


Angluar.js top framework
AngularJS – a JavaScript framework – seem to have become all the rage on the web. In fact, it has become one of the most widely-used tool among developers, as it offers compelling features that help in building highly interactive websites aimed at delivering pleasant user experience. However, still a lot of individuals and developers alike seem to be baffled about using the AngularJS for their project needs because of several reasons.

The first and the most obvious concern that might prevent you from using the AngularJS framework could be the learning curve – that make you understand how to use the Angular JS framework – and best practices you need to follow when implementing your app. Secondly, since jQuery is used for a lot of projects, adopting some framework to do the task requires a lot of considerations and careful evaluation.

With Responsive being the talk of the town we will dig deeper into the know-hows of presenting the content in such a design. Responsive web design does not means to focus on images, columns, icons and grids. Wherein, these all things makes no sense without a good depiction of content.

Web typography being the scientific name of content style is what we are going to discuss in this article. With responsive being the current trend in the tech world missing out responsive typography is a sheer ignorance of any web developer and designer.

Whether you are just beginning your website development or have done a little designing, you need to consider some crucial aspects for designing a worthy and effective website. There is no dearth of websites on the Internet. Thus, to beat the fierce competition, one has to come up with some extraordinary design and functions to make his website stand out among the pool of websites. This article will reveal some prolific features that your site must possess in order to appear appealing and highly functional. By ensuring these features, you can surely deliver a remarkable website that can help you rivet viewers and encourage them to interact efficiently. Integrating some resourceful elements in your site will certainly augment your business values across the globe. Let’s decipher some indispensable features that a website must possess to appear intuitive, intriguing and interactive.

PHP has indeed become one of the most popular programming languages used by web developers across the globe. Backed by an impressive community of web development experts, PHP has been loaded with great tools that can suit the requirements of every type of client. It is the concept of having a good development environment that can play a vital role in effective creation of PHP websites and web applications. The process of building a PHP website is accompanied by the task of editing HTML, CSS and multiple Javascript files. Thanks to the quick availability of brilliant IDEs, it has become convenient to eliminate a lot of efforts that goes into editing code during PHP web development. In today’s post, you’ll get to know about some of the leading PHP IDEs which have made the life of developers and programmers a lot more easy and comfortable. So, let’s get on with these seven brilliant PHP IDEs.

Eine eigene Webseite zu besitzen ist heutzutage für nahezu jedes Unternehmen, aber auch für viele Privatpersonen sehr wichtig. Unternehmen nutzen Webseiten, um ihre Firma vorzustellen und Produkte zu verkaufen. Private Leute nutzen Webseiten häufig, um über sich zu berichten oder Fotos mit der Familie oder Freunden zu teilen. Das Erstellen von ansprechenden und gut programmierten Webseiten ist nichts, was man innerhalb von einigen Tagen erlernen kann. Viele Firmen greifen daher auf externe Webdesign-Agenturen zurück. Doch…

Welcome to the second part of my tutorial on how to create a WordPress HTML5 template from an existing website. Be sure to read the first part before continuing here.

We have created a new HTML5 WordPress template that currently displays our home page including a menu, that can be customized through WordPress and three new posts for our slider content boxes. The next step is to create new layouts for posts and pages. As explained in the previous part of this tutorial the navigation items “About”, “Contact” and “Portfolio” would link to pages while the “Read more” links would rather link to posts.

With the help of CSS3 Transitions it is possible to create beautiful custom CSS3 select boxes automatically. The script you can download here will automatically convert all select boxes which are inside a div with the class lingulo-select into custom select boxes. PreviewCustom Select BoxesDownloadSelect Boxes as Zip File9kBTimes downloaded In order to convert your select boxes into Lingulo Custom Select Boxes you need to include the minified script as well as the style.css file.…

Dieses super einfache jQuery Accordion Script hilft Dir dabei Platz zu sparen und Deinen Inhalt in verschiedene logische Bereiche einzuteilen. Keine ausgefallenen Einstellungsparameter, kein expliziter Funktionsaufruf, füge einfach das schlanke Script in Deinen Head-Bereich und genieße ein einfaches Accordion, das in nahezu allen Browsern funktioniert. Preview Simple Lingulo-Accordion So geht’s Binde das minimierte oder das originale JS file in Deinen Head- oder Bodybereich ein Füge die CSS-Regeln in Deine CSS-Datei ein Füge Deinen HTML code…

This very simple jQuery Accordion Snippet will help you save space and divide your content into different logical sections. No fancy setting parameters, no need for a function call, simply add the JS file to your head and enjoy a minimal, cross-browser working Accordion. Preview Simple Lingulo-Accordion What you need to do Include the minified or the original JS file Add the CSS rules to your CSS file Add your HTML code create an element…

In this tutorial we will take the responsive website we have built in the previous tutorials and implement it into Wordpress. Wordpress is a web blog system which was originally created to be able to easily write flexible and adaptable blog posts. In the course of years the range of functions enlarged more and more so that we can now use Wordpress not only for blogs but also as a Content Management System for “normal”…