Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup No. 15

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Web Development

Six Web Development Tools You Might Not Know About

Even the most experienced developers often get caught in a programming pickle. Thankfully, there’s a wealth of online resources and tools to help you out when you get stuck. Check out these six awesome tools and level up your skills.

50 Freelance Job Sites for Programmers and Designers

Being a freelancer can be extremely advantageous and is probably a dream for many designers and developers who are tired of the cubicle lifestyle. In this post, we have listed the 50 best freelancing job sites to help you in your project search.

How to Become a Web Developer (Quickly)

The question “What can I do to become a developer?” has puzzled many and often yields a list of books or websites, or a battle over languages and definitions. In this post, I’ll relay to you my journey and what I’ve learned.

Say ‘Hello World’ in 28 Different Programming Languages

“Hello, world!” is typically one of the simplest programs possible in almost all computer languages. The following is a list of “Hello, world” programs in 28 of the most commonly used programming languages.


Web Development Tutorial: Understanding How to Use Browser Developer Tools

This article teaches front-end web development beginners all they need to know about how to use browser developer tools, while experienced developers may also learn some new tips and tricks.

Spring MVC Hello World Example

Spring MVC builds on the powerful Spring IoC container and makes extensive use of the container features to simplify its configuration. In this example, we will build a web-based hello world application using the Spring MVC framework.

Interactive Guide to Web Development with Rails

After learning the basics of programming and web development, you’re ready to learn Ruby on Rails itself. Learn Rails by building an online store, one step at a time!


10 Pillars of Modern PHP Development

We often receive requests on how to design applications for our hosting infrastructure. Here are our two cents on how a current PHP application development should be approached.

PHP Example Code

The PHP language has been active for over 20 years now and has consequently developed its share of quirks, bugs, and outdated methodologies. To help you sort through the clutter, we’ve outlined some of the key components of most web applications and highlighted the PHP example code within each to get you started.

Infographic: Top 5 PHP Frameworks Compared

Let’s compare the 5 most popular PHP frameworks with the help of an informative infographic to help you select the right framework according to your need.

From Our Partners

Ixia – Botnet: Is Your Company’s Network Next?

How is a Botnet formed? How are corporate networks infected by Botnets? Which nefarious activities do hackers carry out once in control of infected machines? Find out in this new infographic from Ixia.


I am a frontend and backend web developer who loves building up new projects from scratch. In my blog "Lingulo" me and some guest authors regularly post new tutorials, web design trends or useful resources.

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